Disney Elementary School Education Foundation (DESEF) is a non-profit fundraising organization run by parent volunteers and is the primary fundraising organization at Walt Disney Elementary School.
What do our dollars fund?
San Ramon Valley Unified School District is one of the lowest funded unified school districts in the state of California. DESEF’s mission is to enrich your child’s educational experience. We fill in the gaps between what our school needs and what the district funds. Your donations directly impact your child’s experience at Walt Disney Elementary.
This year, DESEF is funding:
Paraprofessionals/teacher aides
Increased library time so every class goes to the library every week
STEM learning
Social and emotional skills and strategies
Educational assemblies & Science Night
TK–5th grade music program
Dragon Academy (intervention)
Teacher Grants
Classroom Grants
Recess Enrichment
And much, much more!
How can you help?
The DESEF Annual Fund Drive (AFD) is Walt Disney’s most critical fundraiser of the school year. Our AFD goal is $100,000 and with your support we hope to meet or exceed this goal by September 16, 2024. We are asking each family to make a tax-deductible donation of $500 per child, but we are grateful for any and all donations. Please give what you can and what makes sense for your family. If you are able, please consider being a “Super Donor” with a donation of $650 per child. You can donate online today in one payment or have your credit card billed in four installments. If you would like to pay by check please contact Ankur Rimjhim DESEFPresident@gmail.com.
If your employer has a matching funds program, your donation could be doubled! For the 2023–2024 school year, we made more than $30,000 in matching funds. Contact mfdesef@gmail.com for help or more information.